We were commissioned as an independent Church plant, from North Eastern Vineyard Church, on Sunday 21st of July 1996. Twenty five people began meeting in a private home in Highbury.
After a short time we moved into the Torrens Valley TAFE where we met on Sunday evenings for approximately twelve months. By Easter we had about 50 people meeting for worship on Sunday evenings. We decided to join the Crosslink Christian Network, Australia; a network of local churches committed to the basic confessions of Christianity (including the final authority of Scripture, the Apostles and Nicene Creeds).

Following Easter 1997, a small group of ten people began meeting for prayer and worship on Sunday mornings in a room of ‘Extreme House’, a building attached to the Modbury Hospital which we rented and also used for other activities. Out of this time of ‘weeping and worship’ a morning service was developed. This meant we needed to move premises.
We then began worshipping in the St Agnes Community Hall in August 1997 and stayed there until the end of November when we had outgrown the facility and so we moved to the Modbury High School Auditorium.
In February 2000, we moved to a larger facility at the Holden Hill North Primary School.
In October 2001, following the sale of the Holden Hill North facility, we moved to a larger facility at the Ridgehaven Primary School.
In January 2002, we moved to Modbury West Primary School.
In December 2003, we moved to Modbury Hospital Education Centre Auditorium. At this location we established offices and had continuous access to facilities within the centre.

In June 2005, we purchased the property at 1323 North East Road, Tea Tree Gully from the Tea Tree Gully Baptist Church, and relocated in October 2005.
In February 2024, we became People Church; people of worship, people of the Word, people of the Spirit and people of prayer!
Our vision, when we first started meeting with just 25 people in a home, was to love and worship Jesus and share Him with others. That vision still continues. We thank the Lord for all the ways He’s led us as a church family journeying through life together and look forward in expectation to all that He has for us in the future.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​