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lead pastors


Lead pastors Mike and Cathy Wiering are passionate about empowering people to live lives of freedom and joy in the

love of God and in relationship with one another.




children & family's pastor


Children and Family's Pastor Amelia Chandra is committed to leading children to know Jesus and understand their identity in Him. 

Ready Kids flourish in an atmosphere of learning and creativity.


youth pastor


Youth Pastor Ben Pedler is committed to supporting young people to discover faith in Jesus and develop their gifts and abilities as they serve and lead in our church and beyond. 

founding pastors


Ps Graham and Dianne Hore founded our church,

originally known as Torrens Valley Christian Centre, in 1996. Their calling was to reach children, young people and those who don't identify with traditional church so that they could come to know Jesus, gathering together to experience what it is to be God's family.


leadership council


Our leadership council is made up of a dedicated group of people, including the pastors pictured above, who serve the church and local community in a variety of areas. They meet together regularly to oversee the governance of the church.

Pastor Mike and Cathy
Leader Craig March
Leader Wendy
Leaders Hayden and Jasmine
Treasurer Lisa
Leader Dale
Leaders Amelia and Steve
Leader Tristan

board of reference


Rev Rob and Maureen Moores have been appointed by the church for accountability and to be referred to in times of difficulty.


They are given a platform to speak and provide a point of reference when difficulties may arise within the church and there is a need for wise counsel or arbitration.


vision and mission


Our vision is to build a Church that expresses the heart of God and our mission is to reach and transform the lost into fully committed followers of Jesus.


We express our love for God and others through:


Celebration (Exodus 20:3,John 4:23-4, John 9:31, Rev 11:16) 

We aim to meet together for Holy Spirit inspired worship and Bible centred teaching and preaching. We aim at seeing every member grow in their relationship with Jesus and become more like him.


Conversion (John 3:7, Acts 2:38, Romans 3:22) 

To help people meet Jesus and become his faithful disciples. We aim to share the Good News of Jesus Christ in a relevant way with the people of our community and to help them to meet Him and become his faithful disciples.

Community (Acts 2:43-47) To love and care for others. 

We aim to build a Church that is loving and caring with particular concern for those in need. We desire to encourage one another in the development and use of the Holy Spirit's gifts and to be interdependent and committed to one another.


Church Planting (Romans 15:20) 

To train leaders for both local and overseas churches. We aim to identify and train leaders and potential leaders so that we might impact South Australia with the Gospel. We aim to identify and encourage, equip and support those who are called to church planting and overseas mission.

cafe time

our beliefs


The Authority of Scripture 

We believe the Bible is the full revelation of Jesus Christ and seek to approve all things according to the Word of God. We are committed to believing God to fulfil every promise contained in Scripture (2 Timothy 3:16).


The Lordship of Jesus Christ 

We believe that our relationship with the Father through Jesus Christ is our primary commitment and seek to serve Jesus as Lord through the whole of our lives (Acts 2:36).


The Power of the Holy Spirit 

We believe in the empowering of the Holy Spirit as essential enablement for ministry that would bear witness to Jesus. We seek to develop in the operation of all the gifts and graces of the Spirit given by God as supernatural equipment for the ongoing ministry of Jesus (Acts 1:8).


The Uniqueness of the Local Church 

We believe that every Christian needs to belong to a local church where they are able to express their faith and exercise a ministry by the power of the Spirit as part of that body (Ephesians 1:22,23; Acts 2:40-47).


The Unity of the Spirit 

As a local church we seek the unity of the Spirit with every believer, and with all churches that confess faith in Jesus Christ. We desire to cooperate with the other churches in our region in order to proclaim the gospel to every person (John 17:21; Ephesians 4:3).



The Command of Jesus to Make Disciples

We believe that we are to be committed to fulfil the great commission given by Jesus to the church, to preach the gospel to every person, seeking to draw them to become His disciples (Matthew 28:18-20).


The Centrality of Worship

We believe that one of our primary responses as a Christian is to worship God. Therefore we place a high value on worship, as we seek to respond to God’s desire for a people who worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:23,24).


The Pursuit of Holiness 

We are committed to becoming like Jesus. We desire that our personal lives and our relationships generally will reflect more and more of His character (1 Peter 1:16).


Care for the Poor 

We want to fulfill the command of Christ to care for those special people in God’s sight whom the Bible refers to as "the poor" (Matthew 11:15).


Baptism and the Lord’s Supper 

We believe that Jesus Christ committed two ordinances to the Church:

  • Baptism

  • The Lord’s Supper


We are a part of Crosslink Christian Network. Its aim is to support, resource and develop Australian churches and ministries so that they can fulfill their God given vision and purpose.


Crosslink Christian Network began in the mid 1990s in response to twenty years of Holy Spirit renewal in the church. Although these restoration movements touched every part of the church they did not, like previous movements in history, create a new stream of churches polarized around a distinctive doctrine. The heart of the unity was as strong as the desire for renewal. Eventually the desire to embrace the kingdom purposes of God caused many individuals and churches to separate from their denominations. Initially, five local churches from across two states began to meet for mutual encouragement and support and in 1997 the Network was formally established.


To provide  support for constituent churches and ministries, Crosslink gained ‘denominational’ status from the Commonwealth Government so ministers could receive Marriage Celebrant licenses.

Crosslink Christian Network

contact us

call: 08 8263 2965



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1323 North East Road

Tea Tree Gully SA 5091

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© 2025 People Church

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